Jun 26, 2007 19:10
Hello y'all
This is actually a cross posting to a topic I started on the gamessoc boards, but as I have a whole load of different friends on here who may be interested in helping, I thought I'd mention it here too...
Recently I have embarked on a project on making a scenario in Neverwinter nights 2 using the toolset. As some people may know already, this lets you record voice onto conversations or whatnot to have the characters 'speaking'. This, good friends, is where you lot come in...
Am currently asking if anyone is interested and willing to participate by lending me their voices. Gruff, sulty, dulcet or monodrome, we have use for it all here. As I mentioned, I have only just started this and it may never get properly off the ground, and has very few uses apart from personal procrastination means, but any and all help on this would be very much appreciated.
As I'm in London this could probably best be done by those people who have webcameras or microphones or whatnot yourselves, then all I needed to do would be to send you some scripts and let you send back results as and when. I'm not looking for anything profesional, half way decent, or even serious, so don't worry about it on that score...
Below are a list of current characters, though there will obviously be more as I develop it. Most are currently male but some can be easily switched to female, and most are currently dwarves, as that's where we start out in this. Other races will be more forthcoming later...
Voices currently required.
Elderly man, human. ex bard adventurer, naratorish type of character. Will become a rather major part eventually...
Elderly dwarf - foster father of PC, about to die, so what you get at this point will fairly much be it, but there's several scripts currently. May possibly make a reappearence later...
Acting high priest of moradin - could be makle or female, 'nother dwarf.
Young rather absent minded and nervous young dwarven cleric, currently male but could be changed. This will turn into a major character.
Dwarf king. Looks very similar to Brian Blessed so it would be nice if he sounded like him too...
Large human barbarian, rather nasty piece of work, fights with his bare hands. Will probably become quite a major part...
Various Evil goblins, some of which may become major plot points.
Other minor parts, messenger dwarf, one shortish conversation at the beginning, probably not much more than that though...
grandchild. Currently one-liner, may develop into something more...
Yep, that's about it. Reply here if interested...