Jul 06, 2009 07:15
So for the moment I'm going to post a trading journal here. I'll probably move it to a different blog eventually, but I already have this one so its convenient. :-)
I think I'll grade myself on each trade with the following scale:
A - Good trade. Made the most of a good opportunity and generally exited with a nice gain.
B - Okay trade. Made some sort of minor error in execution or traded a sub-par setup resulting in only a minor gain.
C - Mediocre trade. Made a larger execution error or cut loss from a poor setup resulting in a minor loss.
D - Poor trade. Made a really stupid move resulting in a large loss.
Day TradeSymbolBoughtSoldGradeNotesPNX5.555.61BGot in on nice uptrend with good volume.
Stock made small double top at which point I should
have gotten out in the 5.70s. Instead I waited a bit too long
but still got out with profit. Afterwards, it came all the way down back
to the 5.10x where it started the day.