Jun 03, 2006 01:30
It's kind of crazy that your graduating high school. It means that 3 years have already flown by since I graduated. I can definitely say that I have enjoyed my college experience and I know you will too.
Of course I'm supposed to tell you that college is all about the classes you take and grades you get, and part of it is. But there is more to it than that. Sometimes it won't be about the grade you got but about what you learned or a close relationship with a professor. I hope you get the chance to take some courses that are real eye openers for you because some of the best classes I've had are the ones that made me question myself and my thoughts on things.
And of course there is the social aspect! It is important that you make new friends. I went to college thinking that I only needed my high school friends and anyone else was just extra. I do hope that you stay close with the friends who mean the most to you now but be open to new friendships because your college friends are the ones you will be spending 75% of your year with! You will need them to laugh and cry with many times throughout the next 4 years!
I hope you know that if you ever need any advice or have any questions that I'm always just a phone call away. I almost cried when I read what you wrote in your yearbook. I didn't know if you realized it or not, but it was nice to know that you do think I'm there for you. Because I am and always will be, no matter how big or small something may seem.
I really am so proud of you and the person you've become. I feel like you have matured so much over the past few years, your almost a different person now! But your not, cus you'll always be my little brother (even when your bigger than me!).
So, enough with this sappy stuff (I'm crying all over your card). Congratulations, have fun, call me when you need booze and always stay who you are.
Love always,
Your Big Sister