Jan 24, 2010 00:01
Random thoughts... what was that SNL sketch they used to do? Deep thoughts, oh yeah. Wonder if they still do it... probably just as unfunny as the rest of the 21st century SNL skits.
So writing is fun, I won't be able to do as much of it now that school is back on. I was able to crank out a couple of pages of stuff that wasn't completely atrocious, I'll get back to it if I have any breathing room during the semester.
I haven't had a functional relationship in years, hell, maybe in EVER... I believe fate is involved in every relationship we have. Not in a boy meets girl, falls in love kind of way. More fatalistic, like the pantheon of Norse gods who knew exactly how the world would end ages before it ever did, in a bloody battle where everybody dies. Every time I meet someone it's like 'well this is fun right now', but if we make it a week, a month, a year, what's the difference. It's not like I am going to marry the coed I met at bagel works, or get buried next to the cute redhead in my mid level econ class. Everything that happens is just filler for the endgame.
I know exactly what I want to be doing when I graduate. Really I do. I want to go hang out in NYC make friends with a bunch of pseudo bohemians and write stories. Or maybe some expatriates in Africa. I want to get really, really good at the violin so that I can do pop music covers and post them on youtube. And I really, really want to meet someone without feeling like we are over before we start. Also, I can't wait till the United States Marine Corps pins my lieutenant bars to my uniform and swears me in, and closes the door on every other crazy 20 something dream I've ever had. Honestly.
I could go on for pages about any of these little thoughts, but some times it's fun just to let them flit about in my head without trying to nail them down.