Jan 06, 2011 23:31
I propose a compromise between TV networks and series producers:
1) Series producers: Stop creating spin-offs or shows like ones you've made before (eg: Caprica, Dollhouse) where you take ages for the thing to actually get going. You need to retain casual viewers and keep them gripped from the first few episodes. Setting up an interesting premise and then taking forever and a day to actually move an arc forward will just lose you viewers by the thousands. Especially when episodes 2 and 3 are pretty dire filler episodes (I'm looking at you Dollhouse). And even those who watched previous (other) series get bored and compare it to those in a non-flattering way. Yes, you eventually get *awesome* but your earlier series didn't waste time setting up the series' world so why should we wait now?
2) TV networks: Stop being douchebags. If you don't like the ratings then cancel it after the first season. Waiting until the second season to cancel just gets me more emotionally invested and thus pissed off when you pull plug. Especially when season two is actually doing better (or the same) in the ratings as season one. Sometimes you need to wait for the build up. And just accept that although not all TV shows can be ratings hits It's still OK if they get consistent ratings and committed fans. TV doesn't need to be all reality TV shows and World's Blankiest Blank.
So you all need to reach a compromise, because I'm getting pissed off with good TV shows being cancelled. And also watching first seasons and thinking "you've pwned in the past, so why am I watching this shit?"