And just a little bit of news....

Dec 20, 2007 00:32

Hm. Ike Turner died on Monday. He was 76.

'U2 3D' Film Hits Theaters Next Month. The first live action movie to be shot, edited and shown in 3-D isn't some Spielberg opus. It's U2 3D, a 92-minute concert film set to premiere in select cities on January 25.

Jermaine Dupri Reveals Jackson 5 Reunion. As for whether Michael will be involved, Jermaine said, "He has to be. He is a Jackson." Yeah, but he sure as heck isn't as cute as he was when he was still a boy. Pun intended.

Andrew Bird - stream the entire album The Mysterious Production of Eggs. If you're not familiar with this man yet, then I seriously suggest you get acquainted. He is made of amazing, and YOU SHOULD LOVE HIM TOO!

And on a similar note, check out Scouting For Girls, for they are the cutest cute that ever cuted. Or something. *hugs them tightly* SUCH HAPPY MUSIC!

I'm sure by now everyone has heard about this, but for those who have not I'm going to post some of the more comprehensive articles I ran across. I'll also be giving out a healthy dose of my opinion on this endeavor, so remember you were warned in advance.

Now, mind you, I have been keeping up on this endeavor for a while now. For the last two weeks I've been watching my Tolkien mailing-lists and newsgroups with a wary eye as I saw rumor after rumor fly. First Sam Raimi was definitely doing the project, then the project was going to be done in 3D, then the project was never going to be done, then the project was this and that and the other thing. It filled me with a sense of dread. As of today, the news stands at this: Peter Jackson & crew are producing and overseeing the project, but Peter Jackson is definitely not directing and probably not writing. There will be TWO movies, which they will film at the same time, and release in 2010 and 2011. No cast members have officially signed on as of yet, and nothing has been written due to the writer's strike. Bearing all this in mind, and keeping the previous flurry of rumors close in mind, I would highly recommend no one get too attached to the idea of the project as it stands now. On to the links, and some nit-pickings.

Jackson 'too busy' to direct Hobbit films. Ken Kamins, manager for Jackson and Walsh, said it was "highly unlikely" Jackson would write or direct, but he would insure their quality by keeping creative control. *SNORT* Key word there being "control." I do not like Fran Walsh or Philippa Boyens. I have never tried to hide this. I hated what they did with the scripts for LotR. And I was greatly annoyed with what Peter did to the last two movies, especially RotK. I thought RotK was awful, and it was around that point I started seeing Peter as less of a "genius" and more of a "what the hell is this guy doing?" I can't deny that I'm relieved to hear it's "highly unlikely" he will write or direct these movies, as I do not think he can deliver the integrity or truthfulness of the story. But that doesn't diminish the fact he will be producing, which is where the real power lies. I loved what WETA did with sets and costumes. I thought Middle Earth itself was beautifully done. But I'm not thrilled with the idea of Peter's "creative control" overseeing the direction The Hobbit takes. Which brings me to quote number two: Jackson and Walsh envision the first film covering the events of The Hobbit and the second bridging the 80-year gap between that novel and the first book of the trilogy. Much of the plot for the second film would be gleaned from footnotes in The Hobbit that address that gap, Kamins said. DOES NO ONE ELSE SEE THIS AS BEING A RECIPE FOR DISASTER?! There is NO reason for making a second film ("a sequel" they call it! Pshaw!). There is absolutely NO REASON to stretch The Hobbit into two movies, and with Peter at the helm it only instills in me a cynical dread for what will be included in the second film. "Okay guys, we've got some flexibility to work with here, as we're totally pulling this second movie from our butts, so I think this would be a great time to introduce a stunning 45-minute battle sequence between Sauron and Bilbo, following Bilbo's finding the ring. We can bring in trolls and ents on either side, and throw in a couple elves with bows to really make this puppy spectacular! It will be GREAT!" And I know, there are some things from the appendices that would be great to see on film, as outlined in this next link:

What does a "Hobbit sequel" mean? Some of that is all fine and dandy, such as seeing The White Council attack The Necromancer's stronghold at Dol Guldur. But I think the key to my reservations lie in this quote: These can be added to and expanded to make the story flow. I simply do NOT trust Peter Jackson to pick and choose which elements will be included in the story. I was upset with his choices for TTT, and downright devastated by his choices for RotK. I don't want to see The Hobbit turned into some overdone epic bloodbath that fits Peter's idea of a good-quality fantasy film. The studios shout "More action!" The producers cry, "Give the audience more battles!" And before you know it the story is lost to these choreographed fight sequences that overwhelm the tenor of the movie. I never wanted a Hobbit film. I especially never wanted Peter, Fran, and Philippa's version of a Hobbit film. But hearing that they're going to make this endeavor into two movies? Fills me with such indignation I can hardly see straight. There's no reason for Peter to make two movies, save so he can butcher it up with his precious battle sequences. Oh, and of course there's the money, too.

Master of 'Rings' to Tackle 'Hobbit'. The pact, which two people involved said was worth nearly $40 million to Mr. Jackson, ends years of litigation and acrimonious auditing over his share of the profits from the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy. Those movies grossed $2.9 billion worldwide, made Mr. Jackson's reputation and vastly enhanced New Line's stature among the major movie studios. If I had any faith in this movie to begin with, the studio execs would have efficiently snuffed that out in quick order. It's no secret that MGM wants to turn a profit--a BIG profit--most likely at any cost to the movie's integrity. And frankly, I think Peter is in the same boat. After the success of FotR, interviews and statements began to get steadily more arrogant and cocky, the more the next two movies were hyped up the more his vision for LotR seemed to falter, in my opinion. And did he go on a diet or did he get liposuction? Because he lost a lot of weight in, what seemed like, overnight. By the time he was talking about King Kong I could no longer stand to look at or listen to the man, period. He used to be this huggable, roley-poley, giggling guy geeking out about stuff. Now he's just a multi-millionaire talking about his next big hit and how it's going to change history. Pfft. We won't even get into how bothered I am that he's directing Lovely Bones. In fact, let's not get into my dislike of the man at all. Plain and simple, I'm not looking forward to The Hobbit. I don't think it's going to have the same heart that FotR had, the same devotion, or the same detail. Hollywood sees it as dollar signs and stock figures now, and they're the ones controlling the media. With them in control I have no faith in the project at all.

MGM CEO Harry Sloan talks 'Hobbit'. Look, any time perhaps the world's greatest franchise has the opportunity to live on is good timing. That's how we feel. We're blessed every time we get another James Bond movie up and running. Aaand I cringe a little every time they get another James Bond movie up and running. But that's neither here nor there. I've posted this link because it amuses me how everything this guy says, in true CEO fashion, is almost exactly the opposite of everything else I've read so far. Hope springs eternal, or something.

Peter Jackson to produce two Hobbit films. Jackson, Walsh and the studios share approval "on all major creative elements" and will start considering screenwriters and directors in January, Shaye said. Lord help us all. I wish I was feeling positive about this project. I wish I was jumping up and down, squeeing for joy with everybody else. I wish I didn't cringe every time someone mentioned The Hobbit becoming a motion picture. But alas, we are where we are. I'll give it a shot, I'll keep my eye on the project, I might even be in the audience opening night. But I just don't have a good feeling about these movies. I just don't feel like they're going to turn out well at all. I see disaster on the horizon, and I am not looking forward to what the future for this project holds in store. Let's just hope PJ and company don't screw it up too badly.

You know what movies I never knew were made? "Pretty Woman" redone for both China AND Japan. CAN I PLEASE SEE THE JAPANESE VERSION OF "PRETTY WOMAN"? BECAUSE... THE POSSIBILITIES FOR HYSTERICAL ARE UNENDING! Seriously, this discovery just made my day.

Time's Top 10 of the Year lists. 50 top ten lists, including the top ten movies (Sweeney Todd made #5 on the first list, and Waitress #9!), DVDs, TV series (Pushing Daisies #5!! Eeee!), etc.

And, this is not technically movie news, but USA cancels Dead Zone and 4400. *sigh* I knew The Dead Zone would get canceled soon (poor crazy Anthony Michael Hall), but I'm still sad to see it go. Unpredictable programming schedule and all.

Toshiba Builds 100x Smaller Micro Nuclear Reactor. Environmentally sound? Heck no.

scouting for girls, pretty woman, the dead zone, ike turner, jackson five, music, top ten, tolkien, micro nuclear reactor, peter jackson, u2, the hobbit, lotr, andrew bird

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