Fear and Loathing in Kitsap 10/27/2008 Saying Good-Bye to a Friend
Keeper of Elysium, Aaron Locke, opened the Bremerton Elysium this past Friday to assembled members of the domain and guests.
The Eclipse Party for Manuel “Manny” Vasquez was well attended by various members of the Nelson Imperium. Some wished to pay respects. Others went only to ensure that Manny wasn’t going to surprise all of us once again.
I noted that the Ordo Dracul were out in full force. Imperial Primarch Viloktisce Karkarov made a stunning appearance along with the *admired* Dominion and the good Mr. Locke. Indeed, the *admired* Dominion agreed to serve as deputy for Sherriff Acrimony.
The Crones lead by Imperial Primarch Nathaniel Green, Baron Malakai, and Dr. Gabriel della Moretti arrived a bit late to the gathering. I’m told their private rituals were quite invigorating.
The surprising hit of the night was the ever charming Massimo Bianchi. He arrived with his entourage and seemed to be the delight of the gathering.
There was a slight gaffe by Carlos, once again, but this time he was wise enough to use
the social tools at his deposal to make amends.
Once the gathering was winding down, it came time to honor and toast Manuel “Manny” Vasquez. Some said kind things. Others less so. Here are the highlights.
Papo of the 187 Murder Posse announced that all vampires serve a purpose and that it was Manny’s purpose to serve as an example of what not to do for others. He further warned against any that would harm his family.
Lady Ashe recalled Manny’s love of cinema and elected to play a small clip from
a movie I had never heard of. I presume it had some sort of personal meaning.
Baron Malakai indicated that Manny would be missed, but likely not by many.
It was Sherriff Acrimony that spoke with the most eloquence and kindness. He reminded everyone that Manny was a friend to most of us at once point in time. And despite his actions, he survived against overwhelming political, social, and physical force for a long time, which indicated a potent predator. And that one day,
he would recover and rejoin us with a more clarified mind.
I was disappointed that none of the Lancea Sanctum elected to give a Sermon of Longinus or speak on Manny’s behalf.
Afterwards, Keeper Locke elected to accept gifts for the Bremerton Elysium.
The Bianchi offered twenty bottles of bloodwyne. Much to my delight, Mr. Locke opened once of those bottles and shared it me. The aftertaste was quite charming. Never let it be said that Mr. Locke isn’t gracious as a host.
Dr. Gabriel della Moretti brought forth an impressive glass statue of Imperial Primarch Nathaniel Green holding the sigil of the Circle of the Crone. Dr. Gabriel della Moretti announced that the rogue Harlequin had chosen to commit suicide rather than face judgment by his covenant and that he had chosen to use Harlequin’s ashes in the creation of this gift. Oddly, the glass in the statue was slightly less transparent than Harlequin’s usual schemes.
Imperial Primarch Nathaniel Green indicated to me that he *recognized* the service that Agony and Acrimony had done for the domain and encouraged me to also recognize this. Indeed, few could argue their service to the Nelson Imperium.
Some of you might notice a change in my title. By selection of the Primarch Counsel and with the approval from Imperator Nelson, I’ve been promoted to Imperial Harpy.
Rising Stars: Massimo Bianchi raised the bar. Let’s hope the rest of the Bianchi Family can keep up with him.
Feared: Manuel “Manny” Vasquez touched a lot of lives in the Nelson Imperium and his reach was very potent.
Loathed: None, yet. However, I will note that mercy was offered to a select few if they attended this gathering. I noticed a distinct lack of their presence. Ludi incipiant.
Imperial Harpy of the Nelson Imperium
The Lord of Laughter
The New Flesh
Sorrow properly fears his gangrel overlord and so spends 1 point to boost Agony to 2 status and 1 point to boost Acrimony to level 2 status.
The latin translation “Let the games begin.”
Carthian Status: 3
Mekhet Status: 2
http://carthian.cam-wiki.org/The_New_Flesh Jason Andrew
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