Fear and Loathing Special Edition: Brokeback Cowboys, Two Funerals, and a Wedding 10/16/2008 and 10/

Oct 20, 2008 11:52

Fear and Loathing Special Edition: Brokeback Cowboys, Two Funerals, and a Wedding 10/16/2008 and 10/18/2008

There are consequences to breaking the heart of a murdering bastard.

Kill Bill 2

With the national gathering and many of our local residents traveling, I had expected a quiet weekend. As a long time resident of Olympia said to be this weekend, that’s usually when the shit hits the fan in O-town.

The start of the gathering on 10/16/2008 was quiet and formal. Baron Malakai held a small informal court. My colleague, Harpy Vincenzo Delgardo, described most of the important events of the evening with a great deal of style. I shall attempt to add to his already amazing descriptions.

The *admired* dragon Dominion sought to resolve the problems caused by Dominic “La Douche” LaRue. She acted honorably and with a great deal of political savvy. Sadly, she could not know that the bunny eating Douchebag would steal complete and utter defeat from the jaws of victory.   I wish it to be clear that she acted with a great deal of honor to all of us in Olympia and the blatant treachery and skullduggery should not be blamed on her.

I’ve left out Dominic from my last few reports out of respect for his sire Octavio Allman. I have a fondness for monsters. In this case, the apple rolled very, very far from the tree. One would dare to say the apple hopped into a cab and ran to the rabbit farm. I had planned to indulge in more bunny poking, but out of respect for Octavo, I am going to leave him to his sire. A terrifying prospect indeed. Some would even say that it is more frightening than Acrimony’s Two Scoops of Shame ritual.

And as for my old pisspot, Josie “Brokeback” Huevos, he made a lot of claims in Olympia.   I tried to find a domain or a location that would claim him/her. Alas, the only record I found for him/her was a bar in Tijuana named Donkey Shows, Open All Night.

I contacted Citizen Prince Tanner from Seattle on this matter. He made it quite clear that Josie “Brokeback” Huevos did not speak for Seattle or any residents.   Indeed, he was uncertain if he had ever met him. Citizen Prince Tanner has a reputation for honor and honesty that simply can not be questioned. I have likewise been assured that Josie “Brokeback” Huevos has no relationship with Mr. Cullpepper, Mr. Barrojo de Lagos, or Mr. Ellison of Seattle. And while I have not spoken to her on this matter, I am fairly certain that Josie “Brokeback” Huevos is not the bodyguard of Dominion. I am told that a number of Dragons are seeking to question Josie “Brokeback” Huevos and that if he is found that he should be delivered to either Mr. Cullpepper or Mr. Aaron Locke.

Saturday evening, I felt a bit froggy and so decided to attend the wedding of Lady Anida

Wilson and Lord Edward Darling in Eugene, Oregon. It was my first visit to Eugene, but expectations were quite high.

The church was divine. I felt like confessing my sins just for being there, but thankfully there were no confessors present. Otherwise, I would have had to remain in Eugene for several more nights.

The ceremony proceeded briskly, but with elegance. Sadly, fate had decreed that Lady Anida would once again be left at the altar. When the priest asked the audience if anyone had a reason to object to this union, the business of the Danse Macabre interrupted the ceremony.

Levka Alexinova and his impressive and well dressed entourage called a halt to the wedding to resolve a matter of honor. Levka staked Thomas Darling and then offered the following deal to Jonathan Darling. He proposed a winner take all duel to Jonathan Darling to resolve their blood feud between the Darlings and the Alexinovas. In exchange, the Alexinova Entourage would give the rest of the gathering a free pass for the evening. As the Alexinova entourage contained a collection of the most potent predators that this ecosystem could handle, it was a just and honorable offer. Jonathan Darling accepted the consequences of his actions and fought the duel to spare his domain.

Levka Alexinova and Jonathan Darling fought valiantly with such amazing speeds that most present could not witness the full scope of the battle. It ended with Levka Alexinova victorious and the deaths of Jonathan and Thomas Darling.

Despite having won the domain of Eugene from the terms of the duel, the Alexinova chose to simply leave, allowing Alder Ritcher to claim Praxis.

Having witnessed the duel, I returned to the wedding. It seems that Edward Darling had ran away leaving his bride, his sire, and his liege to fight along. It was a shame as she looked quite fetching in her white dress and the veil with just the slightest touch of red to remind others of the monster beneath the dress.The good Marquis du Myra offered to marry Lady Anida, but alas was rejected.

The rest of the evening was quiet, although someone shamefully defiled the wedding cake. The perpetrator was unknown, but I have my suspicions.

Rising Stars: James Sands proved to be quite impressive. He rolled in with the impressive Levka as a giant bear and growled. I’m told by those that understand the bear tongue that it translated into “Come get some, bitches!”

Feared: I live with one of the vilest monsters I know. I’m a bit jaded these days. Octavio Allman brought the tingle back to my spine and I think those present know why.

Loathed: La Douche LaRue and Josie Huevos. If you don’t understand why, re-read this report.

The Honored: This is a new section. I’m not normally quite so saccharin.

Jonathan Darling and Thomas Darling are to be fully commended. They dove into the Danse Macabre with two-fisted abandon and when the music changes, they did not lament their position. Lesser vampires would have cried to heavens, not understanding that every move has counter moves. They understood the game we all play in our Requiems and thus are to be honored and commended.

Prince Belson's Harpy of Kitsap/Tacoma
The Lord of Laughter
The New Flesh

Carthian Status: 3
Mekhet Status: 2

Jason Andrew
US 2002022602

eugene, olympia

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