Jan 29, 2007 22:34
This post discusses my current Wii problem. And, no, it comes up just fine. But you are forewarned.
So I'm on the road right now and I brought my Wii, so that I could get Mario Kart 64 from the VC when it hit. I loaded points on my account from my secure connection at the apartment so I wouldn't have to do it at the hotel. I got the USB dongle so I could connect through my laptop. I loaded it up at the hotel, tested the connection and said it was good, but whenever I try to update my system or go online it gives me an error.
Now I think it might be the router in the hotel which may have a funny firewall or unfortunate settings, but does anybody have this USB thing or have some idea what it might be that I could fix? I never tried the USB dongle at my apartment, so I have no real idea where the problem is.
If I don't get my fix I may be forced to throw my self from my hotel window. To bad I'm on the first floor this time...