State of the Union

Feb 06, 2009 11:02

I've been meaning to do a state of the union for a while, so, here goes!

Pierre de Chaltier - rockhardsword
Sex: After that brief upset where Leon finally told Chaltier that he'd been abused (since this version had no idea), Chaltier is finally starting to be okay with sex again. He has sex exclusively with Leon; he wouldn't be entirely averse to the idea of helping out another man who he respected and whose health he cared about, but, all things considered, he'd want Leon's permission and the thought has never crossed his mind to ask. He's quite happy where he is.
Residence: Chaltier still lives in the dorms over the labs.
IC: Chaltier is pretty damn happy. He got a little nervous over Kyle's arrival because of what that could have meant (…he still has no idea that Judas is the future incarnation of Leon, so the fact that he was crushing on Judas wouldn't mean anything, plus Harold is terrifying and also her brother just died). But, overall, he's the happiest of my current five.
OOC: He's fine! I haven't gotten him out as much, though, because when my other characters are in serious "UWAH" (either me or them) my first goal is to get them to a more balanced state, which means they get played more. Chaltier being happy means he's lower on the priority of characters to play, but hell if I'm dropping him, since he's one of my favorites ever.
Plans: Get him out! Do something for Valentine's Day and jump Tear with him-- get him to meet more people.

Benitobi - beninninnin
Sex: She's still entirely blasé about it, it's still mostly NPCs.
Residence: Still in the dorms over the labs.
IC: Benitobi is, well, Benitobi. She's a bit sad that her brother isn't here, a bit happy that Sakaki is, and generally is coping extremely well and adapting to life in Micrometropolis.
OOC: She's the character I'm currently playing the least, mostly because we just got a cliffhangery ending in a recent chapter that most likely means that Benitobi's backstory is going to have a SUDDEN SURPRISE ELEMENT I DID NOT ANTICIPATE and possibly also her present. So I'm a bit wary about playing her and accidentally contradicting something that comes out in the next chapter.
Plans: Get Benitobi out for more casual posts/ninjaing. Be a horrible person with Sakaki and possibly Kyoko, because tormenting people is fun.

Richter Abend - lordofflames
Sex: Um. Probably either from Hiiragi or NPCs these days. He's a bit more grumpy about it.
Residence: Still in the dorms over the labs, though he is looking for a cheapish pet-friendly apartment with no roommates Aqua as a roommate.
IC: Richter is a lot… not happier but less wound up now that Aqua is here. It's not even that he likes her or missed her or whatever; it's just sort of comforting to have someone who always believes in you and trusts you and listens to you and obeys you without question, and he hadn't really realized that until the whole situation with Emil. He's a bit more unhappy that Tenebrae came with her, but whatever. Richter's still crushing on Emil and also still avoiding him; the discussion over handcuffs didn't really change Richter's mind at all, though it did make things a bit worse re: how much he admits to himself that he cares for Emil.
OOC: Richter is probably my primary, despite the fact that he's been hell to play for a week or so. (And by "hell to play" I mean STORM OF EMOTIONS THAT HE WILL NOT TALK ABOUT BECAUSE HE IS RICHTER.) But still! Primary.
Plans: I don't have any plans for him because I'm pretty sure he'll end up getting out anyway. The problem is mainly that it's hard to reply to other people's posts with him because Richter's particular brand of emotional weirdness is that he doesn't really start conversations unless he wants something or the other person does, so more often I post with him or wait until the really big mod posts.

Lau - lauyingsu
Sex: NPCs! Attractive female NPCs who probably work in the same shop as he does. He's not averse in theory to continuing to help other residents the way he helped Mr. Twitch, but a) he doesn't care that much, b) he doesn't need to appear as though he cares that much. And part of the fun with Mr. Twitch was getting him to agree to entirely public sex in front of witnesses.
Residence: Lau has managed to worm himself into the second bedroom of Madam Red's apartment for some interior decorating tips, housecleaning, and a small fee.
IC: Lau is Lau! Like Benitobi, he's pretty damn adaptable; he does miss Britain a bit, in the sense of "I was making so much more money," but he's not too worried, since Ranmao will look after the business. He's just having fun with Micro, meeting ancient historical and literary figures (hello, Huang Yue Ying) and tormenting the citizens and spending more time with Madam Red-- which is actually desirable now that he's gotten the truth out of her and can get back up to his old tricks of bothering her and bothering people with her.
OOC: Lau is a lot easier to play now that I've dropped Hugo. Which is not why I dropped Hugo; I'd always intended to drop Hugo, he ended up staying a lot longer than I thought he would, and he basically outlived his time at Micro with me feeling I needed/wanted to do anything with him. While Lau is a lot more superficially similar to Benitobi, with Hugo gone he fits nicely into the "I don't actually give jack about your feelings," hole that Hugo left behind. And with Hugo gone I don't feel any urge to do anything but keep playing Lau.
Plans: Torment more ancient Chinese people! Advertise herbal sex aids. Be a dick.

Flynn Scifo - inthissword
Sex: Flynn is, to my mind, one of those "no sex before marriage" types who doesn't ever really plan on getting married. Casual sex is so far from his thing that's in the other stratosphere or whatever. But this is Micrometropolis, and casual sex is required to stay healthy, and… honestly, the thing that bothers Flynn the most is the lack of consent implied by the whole experiment. Which Riya really drove home by getting Flynn to worry over him for being sick.

But despite his hang-ups, he's having sex. I imagine that it will end in awkwardness, because Flynn will almost definitely do something like send flowers and chocolates on Valentine's Day despite knowing that the sex is casual and not an actual relationship and it'll go downhill from there. But in a funny way.
Residence: Flynn still lives in the dorms, though, of all of mine besides maybe Richter, he has the best chance of actually wanting to and succeeding in moving out.
IC: Besides the sex, Flynn is mostly not terribly upset at the shift. Terca Lumireis is always on the back of his mind, but in the event that there isn't the temporal aspect, he trusts Sodia and Lady Estellise and the rest of his brigade and Brave Vesperia to keep working at bringing the knights and the guilds together to protect the towns. He's never been more gratified to have underage members of said brigade and said Vesperia.

As a bonus, he gets to hang out with his best friend in a way that he really doesn't get to at home, so it's a bit like being kids again.
OOC: QUITE HONESTLY, I apped and introed Flynn at a terrible time. I was in really bad health at that point, threads weren't holding my interest, I knew his voice wasn't great but didn't want to give the energy necessary to fix it, etc. I only didn't drop him because I really wanted to do the genderswitch thing (fun fact: this is the first status effect any of my characters have had) with Yuri. So, on a whim, Yuri's player and I did it before we were expecting to be able to, and, lo and behold, I'm feeling a lot more confident with Flynn. I'm having fun with him instead of feeling totally off (though I'm not exactly feeling totally on, either, so concrit is welcome). Success story?!
Plans: Toss him out more, both as a woman and when he turns back into a man. Work on getting him meeting people so that he starts to care even more about the population of Micrometropolis. Try posting without Yuri maybe someday? …Or maybe not.

state of the union

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