The Dist art show at Focus was saturdaym so was chimps party.
it was insane.
warning, tone of pictures behind this
this was the first face i saw of the night. Adam Logan, backsidee master.
Alex and Hot Bob were taking full advantage of the free heinekin
Campeazi was gutted cause France got beatin by Scotland.
cheese eating surrender monkey
pimpin my collar
obviously not drunk enough
me and ross killed it by the shoe wall
thats better
i dunno why i put this in
Free Beer makes me happy
Pigeon is Ghetto, and hes the only one that can translate campeazi's frenchy talk
Jinty was wasted by the time i got there
"ooo shit, ooo shit"
KG kids at art shows
oo no you didnt!
jake was being crushed by an invisible boulder
youtube - vxfilmer1 - Paul Vx
Any one else noticed that hickeys name just suits him so well
Squeeky. Brawl master
The bob
bit dark but you get the idea, arty folk and skaters
Darthfader and Breakbeat Alex, pillaging the beer tub
some of the art work in th background
shimmin and jake doing the how far can the camera go away while its on this string?
shimmin for god sake.
none of these guys could attend the party they were so drunk, wait i cant see who sin the middle at the moment, maybe they came
vantriliquist dummy alex
pigeons all over scotland
cheesered oot ma nut
tube to the party
squeeky brawled his way there
party instigator, Dave aka Chimp
campeazi's momma's sleazy
Got away from the brawling to dance for a bit
This was 20minutes into the party.
top notch brewski's
Party animals
Danny chats to some randoms..thats a weird one to end on so i'll give you something to laugh at.