Sunday. i woke up in Impy's house feeling to be played(watched in my case) then the east video premiere.
check it.
wan(1) a bounce
ross crossed it a beast
something happened
then johns team arrived to win
shaun was there to aid tomas team though.
talking tactics
toma looked "continental"
little known fact - chill lost both arms in vietnam
team toma/team lost cause i wasnt playing
goal 1 or 11?
the game was fun, the banter was better, richard invited me along to help engineer a gig at universal.
who was i kidding, assist? ive only got one eye for god sake what do i know about sound.
i was there to get drunk
first however i had to go to focus, for this premiere majig
before the video even played the police showed up and gave folk hastle
video started, but i took a picture of teh wrong video. and couldnt be arsed keeping teh camera out
campezzi was there in full flare
long story short, the video sucked everyone left at teh end to go skate cali benches, i didnt have a board cause my leg was fucked, so i went back to universal for more "assisting"
ricahrd sings
i got lost on my way to the toilet and ended up in a jungle, had to fight for my own fredom, but thats a tale for a dark night.
ricahrd showed these 2 how it was done. they got credit for his work!
secret nazi salutes are not confined to solid rock
next time your in universal check out teh male toilets. unless your female. then dont.
stayed in richards that night.
we went to the 13th note for some smile for teh cameraman honey
impy showed up, but had to leave for another gig.
infront of these people was this man...
we made things out of paper
and put them in bottles
then i left my signature art piece
tonight i feel sad, not depressed(as mr hetfield would say). but life sucks and it only gets worse. chin up n all that, its all pish posh(as russle crowe would say)