i have not slept in my own bed in some time. tonight i shall unless somethnig cool comes up, which, looking at teh way things have been recently may actually happen. i messed about in my house tonight.
i had all this crap to take up to my room
this pile seems to get bigger everytime i walk by it
i was looking over some slides, need to get some stuff enlarged
good old hunter
looking for some inspiration
i need to organise these.
new piece of art in the making
my house is a hotel
old sketch book, but the picture applies
mroe old sketch stuff
drawers filled with art
i made this tonight
my mum bought a new lightbulb for my bathroom but didnt realise it was yellow, i feel liek a cheep red ligth district
i bathed in teh sun for a while
then my shirt melted off so i had to go find somethnig else to do
so i went all scrooge and counted money
£4 measly pounds
next week, if you see me and richard walking through town quite strange, you might want to avoid us.