Yes i thought, it was fitting that my first photoupdate(doncaster one were old pictures dont count) was of karaoke, because we've had many a good times at annettes karaoke nights. as much as i loath it, when your with certain folk, it can only be fun.
i arrived in barrys to find these three here had created all of us in digital wrestling format.
this is ross' mr italy guy
supposedly this is me, when i arrived myy guy started kicking peoples ass' and i wasnt even using the controls.
footsy in the van
ross to mcdonalds staff - "can i get a mop because this arsehole has spilled ma drink" this picture was taken right after that....maybe you had to be there.
then richard attacked mary with his "birthday zone" tape that really we bought for tam.
you'll notice that richard gets more insane as the night goes on. and none of us were drinking....
see, whatd i say
ok now i look mental but thats just cause im not used to this hair yet.
after this picture me and richard went to find a bank, but we didnt wanna get charged and the one at the garage had no cash in it. so we stayed skint, but we climbed some fences and walked beside some railway lines trying to find the main road again.
searching for songs
richard took no prisoners
and stole marys ciggarettes
ross sang ring of fire. trying to tell us something?
mary sang this
ross was happy
mary wanted a kiss
ross got scared
richards skitzophrenia appeared again
and attacked his mother
george sang this. but i dont know who george is.
guy in the red shirt looked like lou carpenter frmo neighbours
richard got pregnant