Oct 28, 2005 13:21
This morning I went to a clinic and they ripped out my tooth for me. I had an over absessed tooth, it was a botched root canal and a botched temporary cap. Food and puss and infection had broke open the tooth, then it mixed around for awhile, then fused in a very odd way. But they ripped it out of my face along with the absess before it began to infect and eat away at my jaw.
The dentist took one look at the dental pic, and he looked at me and said, "Damn, you must've been in a fuckload of pain."
So they shot 5 full things of novacaine into my jaw. Followed by a topical anethsetic (sp?)
Hearing my tooth crack and splinter.......::cringe::
I hurt so fucking bad......but starting to feel better. I really need food now.
But i have a hole in my jaw......blood...alot......i want food.