(no subject)

Mar 22, 2006 23:47

Groups, rings, and fields, oh my!

The most frustrating part is that I don't even really need this course. I'm completely unmotivated and uninterested. But it would be lame to drop it, because I already dropped a course this semester. I'm trying really hard to care, but unfortunately, I just don't. I can barely motivate myself to go to class most of the time! I'll be completely satisfied with a pass. That sounds so bad! Why don't I care anymore?? Ugh. Oh well.

Today Michelle was telling a story about some ugly untalented chick who tried 2 years in a row to get into drama, and this year someone pulled her aside and told her to find a new major, because she just didn't have what it takes. I'm so scared that that's me. I seem to alternate between days when I feel like I'm getting better and am making progress and have a chance, and days like right now where I'm scared to death. Most people seem to think I have a pretty good chance of getting in, but I'm not sure if they're just saying that cuz they like me. I really wish I could just wake up tomorrow and be like "I'm going to be a virtuoso!" and just do it. Lol, I don't care what Jim says, it ain't that easy! I have less than a month, and so much to work on.

But anyways back to why I'm doing this... So yesterday in theory we celebrated Bach's 321st birthday with cake and balloons and his music and everything. And we learned about this cool progression that is in EVERYTHING... so cool. Yay descending fifths in the bass! And today we rehearsed a big band chart Julie and Carli kennedy wrote... so much fun! And so cool, knowing the composers, playing with them right there! Oh music... *rocks out to Duke*
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