Dear Arms,
Oh my! It seems I have a new friend! Hello new friend!
Today has prooved to be quite an interesting one. We're in this sudden bonanza to get everything done two days before we leave for Seattle. Of course, I've been attempting to prepair for this for mounths, so it's really rather amusing to watch all the proper adults be in such a rush.
In the meantime, my new bifocal glasses have prooved to be quite the pain in the arse. It's quite odd, becuase when I do things like this simple informative letter to the Arm World, I have to do so at a bizarre angle, tilting my head up and letting all matters of bizzare and airborne shiz into my mouth. Or nose. But not eyes! Becuase those are shielded now. Ha!
When I first wake up and put them on, I feel vaugly drunk, becuase I keep forgetting if I look down, things will be blurry, and when I look up, they won't. That may or may not be a symptom of intoxication--I surley do not know.
Moving on.
So, I finally went and posted that CSI chapter of that silly story on You can look at it here,, if you like, if you even care about CSI. It is fluff, I assure you, and will be GREAT fluff when I am finished.
The CSI premire was actually last night, and it brought joy and hilarity to my heart when I saw this....
Ok, apparently I am unable to find the picture again. Oh well. AnYWAY. Grissom had this crazy straw farmers hat on it, that caused bursts and tears and spews of negitive imput on the hat. I thought very much of Mr. Buckingham at that moment.
Lost was cool too, although I'm more than certian none of you watch these shows, and for that reason alone, I will keep talking about them. Apparently, crazy people have vynil records of really bad Carpenter-eque happy 80's songs deep down in secret hatches labled "Quarentine" with cursed numbers stamped into them, that for whatever reason, people still want to get inside. Oh well.
AND I think I am finally almost done with my Coldplan fic. Joy. I just hope I didn't totally change the writing style by the end of it. Becuase I hate it when people start writing things in one style, and the mood changes enirely.
Now I realize I am ranting now, and will stop.
Good day to you all. AND if you don 't hear from me by tomorrow, I will be off to the great and fabulous Seattle. What joy!!!!!!
I should run on the double