COLDPLAY is love

Aug 08, 2005 11:27


So we left at 5:30, concert's at 7:30. We get stuck in GRIDLOCK, and places it takes us 15 minutes to pass take half an hour. I literally started crying in the car bc I knew we would be late, and this was the only thing I'd really been looking foward to for mounths, and it was going to be ruined.
Dad kept calling to check on us and I wanted to throw the fucking phone out the window.
Finally, the traffic lets up and we're making good time, in fact, we're almost ON time, when we hit another wave of traffic bc of cops doing something or another, while crazy scalpers were selling stuff on the side of the road. Then, we realize that this is like, all people htat want to get into the concert, and if maybe they'll postpone it. So then we have to park, and walk down there, and we got in.
The opening act was playing, and they were just finishing thier last song when we came through the gates.
They were, however, not Rilo Kiley, bc I could see no girl in the entire band. I found out later it really wasn't them, but some band I'd never heard of, so I guess it's one more thing to be greatful for, in terms of tardiness.
The set list of Coldplay, I will list as best as I can muster. I had this whole plan, that worked well at Who were I brough a peice of paper and wrote down the set list as they went, so I could remember the order of things. I went well until Yellow, were i dropped the pen and crushed it under foot. Oh well. They are all here, they just may be a bit out of order.

Square one ( I had expected them to either open with this or Politik, and low and behold, they used BOTH!)


Yellow (at which point they released these giant yellow balloons, and of course yellow lighting. I actually wasn't sure if they would play it bc they've been playing it for 5 years now. I figured they'd be sick of it by now)

Hardest Part (qoute "I just fucked that up in a big way. You get 25 cents back for that mistake" Ha. I didn't even notice.

Everything's Not Lost (He dedicated that song to the tail gaters, which he said he hadn't ever heard of until 2 days ago. "So go get yourself a hogie/and come to the coldplay show." "So get yourself a beer and a cold dog, and hope that everything's not lost." "If you ever feel neglected/and you cannot find your beer..." It was good stuff. And then Will sang the end and we sang along)

White Shadows ( I was very happy to see Chris flail about. Everytime he's on tv, he really works witht at White Boys can't dance and sticks his arms everywere and stomps and stuff, like he doesn't know what to do with himself, and for whatever reason, I felt like since I had seen him do it, the concert had suddenly been authenticated. Chris is actually very flexiable, and at one point in the song when he was flailing about, he bent over backwards. Ok...well...I was I was impressed. He also went over and started sticking the micraphone in Johnny's face, and over his head, which preluded to funny faces.)

God Put a Smile Apon your Face

Scientist (I was not expecting them to play that at all, but I was so happy. Chris made this beautiful outro were they scrambled up the end of the song backwards, and he played over it and "Oh'd")

Speed of Sound

Low (YES!!)

Swallowed in the Sea ( I wasn't expecting them to do this song either, at all, really, but I am glad they did, bc it's one of the songs on the album that is a Me song.)

Kingdom Come (this was beautifully done, the biginning of which started with Chris telling us "This man just gave me this t-shirt, in a totally non-sexual way, that says 'Johnny Cash is a friend of mine.'" They wrote the song for him and he was set to record it, but then died. And then at the last lines "Just say you'll wait/You'll wait for me" he said "you're all signing for Johnny Cash now" and we all sang)

Don't Panic (this, along with Kindom Come, was done acoustically. Chris, and Johnny were on acous. guitar, Will played piano, and Guy came up and played some harmonica.)



In my Place

Clocks ( I was really excited, and made sure I watched Chris the whole time, so that I could say that I saw Chris play the lick to Clocks)

Fix You ( I was SO happy they played this, it was the one I wanted them to play the most, and it was so intence.)

The concert was so good. It was, like, an enveloping eperience. You really got to see what great musicians they are. Johnny had some fantastic effects going, but he didn't over use them, he new how to make them enhance his solos, rather then make up for not playing as much. He was also very happy that eavning, which made me happy, bc all too often when you see him on tv he's very bashfull.Really, he kinda take's the bassist;s personality role most of the time. but he was all smiley. Which made me smile.
And Guy can actually sing, which no offence surprised me. He's my favorite bassist, but latley, when they put him on harmonies, I couldn't really hear him, but tonight I could, and I approved.

All in all, I came away from it feeling really...good. I was charged, but not quite so much with adrenaline, like I am at most concerts. I just felt, good.

And the crowd, actually, was really well behaved. We were in the lawn area, and I expected all kinds of flailing drunks and bongs. But I only senced a few bongs, and everyone respected eachother's space. And it was great bc, even when we weren't told to sing, thier was this constant back drop of people singing. It wasn't over baring, but it was enough to tell that people were attentive and enjoying themselves.
I really want to see them again.

And as far as souveniers go, I got a poster, which is great bc I saw one like it in window displays for the new album, and thought that Chris looked especially becoming. I got a round button for rachel and a square one for me. To be honest, I asked for 2 round buttons, but I think he heard round button #2, so I only have the one, and people were already trying to check me out of the way. Oh well. Sorry Lauren!
Things all in all, weren't that expensive, considering, but the t-shirts were. 35, and 45. Holy shit. BUt the stuff I got all together was only 16. I was proud of myself.


I want to make Coldplay icons now.


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