Jan 30, 2006 19:02
Ok, so major update of the day.
I have gone to the housing lady. I can get out of my lease. Even then, she was rather contradicting in her manerisms. "I totally understand were you're coming from. Finding a place blallalala" *switch* "well, you know, housing has all these great things that I really don't think you've considered considering that you give us your meeger soul to live in this shithole existance. For EXAMPLE!
We give you FURNATURE! (that people have been spreading chemical and bodily fluids alike apon since before my birth, no doubt)
We pay for your utilities! Like hotwater (which lasts 5.2 minutes on a good day) and heat! (which doesn't work and never will. But it will click at you.)"
I kindly shook my head. "I don't think so. I've already found a place that I really want." *folds hands in lap.*
"Oh. Alright."
So the important thing is, that i can get out of my lease, I just have to give them that insane sum of money, and even moreso now that I've informed them I have no intention of giving them 30 days notice.
SO now, I just have to wait for my mother to send me the sum, and for me to give them the sum. And then give another sum to the apartment of my choice. But i cant talk to them until Wendsday bc the landlord doesn't come in until then.
I pray to god that I will then be out by the beginning of next week, perhaps the week after that.
All that matters is that I am out before Tara's friend moves in so that I can sleep all I want and becuase of it avoid confrontation and conflict.
I still have to find a futon though, becuase everyone (and by "everyone" I mean "Brandon") refuses to go to Capitol Hill (=Thrify Land)to look for a futon. So this weekend, I will get on a bus and not know were I am going, and hope to come back with a futon frame. And still have to order a matress, becuase I have this odd ethical quirk that prevents me from having any desire twards sleeping on a matress that someone might've died on.
Or had Clamidia on.
But that's just me.
So I was smart. I prioratized, and I spent all week doing this asscrapshithogging load of math hw, and now I don't have anything to do tonight. Which means I can prentend to put my belongings into little boxes, and suitcases, while making mental lists of things I have an excuse to go to Target and buy.