A marginally interesting update.

Mar 06, 2008 02:18

Good gravy. It's been months since I've posted in this thing. I should really get back in the habit. That being said, here are some quick little tidbits of what's been going on with me lately. At least the marginally interesting stuff.

- Heading to NEO NOHCON this weekend. I'm excited to go and I'll be selling special shirts to benefit the charity that the con is involved with. Should be a good time.

- I'm still waiting for a few friends to confirm they're coming with me... but with any luck I'll be going to see Dimmu Borgir at the Worcester Palladium next month. I fully expect to come back from that show screaming "Hail Satan!" provided I have a voice left to scream it with.

- I am exercising mountains of willpower and restraint to wait until after Anime Boston to buy myself an XBox360 and Rock Band. I've put this off as long as I can, but the launch sequence has been initiated.

- I'd seen it and heard about it around conventions for years, but I finally succumbed to trying out GAIA Online. It helped that my friend Alyssa had already made a little avatar for me. Who knew that I'd enjoy a silly little anime avatar dress-up "game?" If there are any other Gaians reading this, feel free to say hi to Baron Mookie or Evil Mookie... and feel free to get me the ridiculously expensive items on my wishlist. Hee hee.

- I've gotten the itch to expand my horizons creatively. I love doing Dominic Deegan but my brain has been hopping around as of late. So I wrote the first issue of a comic book idea that's been banging around my head for the past few months. It's only a first draft but I'm relatively happy with the way it turned out. Now if only I could get around to doing the first draft of issue two...

- I need to get new website design ideas to Hawk! What the fratz am I waiting for?! AUGH!

- Rascal remains a very aptly named cat. At this very moment she's eating a cardboard box... and now she's looking at my feet. Hungrily.

And that's everything marginally interesting going on with me that I feel like sharing on the internet right now. With any luck this silly post will get me back into the habit of updating this thing.
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