Apr 16, 2007 22:02
Yup, it's that time of the year again when I actually get around to posting again! To be fair, I've had a little on my plate recently, what with going into hospital to have my appendix out. But hey, just the way things go eh? Yup, just over a fortnight ago, I came down with it, about an hour after I'd finished a sponsored fire-walk. Cue 18 hours of straight vomiting, and precisely zero sleep for an entire night. I ended up going to the local GP (I'd thought it was food poisoning from a hotdog till here) where she proceeded to poke me in the stomach until I went "Ow!" a couple of times. I was then thrown over to York hospital with a note saying that I was to be admitted immediately. I got my nice comfy bed on the ward, had an IV attached (after 4 goes at getting a vein ; I was that dehydrated) and got hooked up with a couple of bags of fluid. I then finally got some sleep, mostly due to the needle-full of morphine they stuck in me...
The next day I got wheeled into surgery after being poked by the docters again, and was waved off by my ward-mates. Now, that general anaesthetic is scary stuff. They put the needle in the back of my hand, and said "You're going to sleep now". That didn't sound morbid at all, of course. My next thought was "Ooh look, it's all gone swirly."
Now, there is one good thing about the general. I woke up from it as high as a kite, as one of the nurses described. I giggled when I got wheeled back to the ward, as well as going "Wheeeee!" when they lifted my back onto my bed. They also told me I'd missed the tea wagon, to which I snapped my fingers and went "Waiter! Waiter!" Good times.
It's great though, I got discharged from hospital after only 4 days, and I have a great scar to show from it!
Unfortunately, I'm not at work to enjoy my 21st birtday tomorrow, but I'll still be going for mealness, and maybe some partying at the weekend and when I get back! Woo!
Right, I'm gonna get some sleep before I turn old. Chat to you all later!