Dec 14, 2009 06:40
Monday crept in to the room of the two sleeping people, snoring softly, breathing deeply and totaly unaware of Monday's prsence. Monday decided that they had rested enough and besides if Monday was up and moving, they bloody well should be too. First thing Monday did was turn on the raido. Its jaring music was absent as the DJ was plugging something and his voice being deep and melodious, didnt have the waking effect. Undetered Monday decided to try the alarmclock. The annoying buzzing blared out through the room, driving the peacful quiet away with the force of a hurricane. One solitary hand reached out from under the bedcovers, slammed down on the snooze button and quickly dissapeard back under the blankets. This frustrated Monday somthing fierce. So lets try it this way, Monday thought. First Monday turned on the back up alarm on one of the sleeper's cell phone, then the alarm again. The sleepers stired but were not woken. after a few minuets of this, Monday added the cat banging at the door and calling for food. One of the sleepers rose like a zombie, snoozed both alarms, kicked the door to scare away the cat and retruned to the bed and the embrace of his fellow sleeper.
THis contined anumber of times, unitl Monday put a sense of urgency in with the latest alarm. Sneeking in the concept of work, responibility, and duty. This had some of the desired effect but still the sleepers slept.
Monday's frustration burned brightly, chalanging the rising sun in the window. What to do?
then the simple answer occured to Monday. with a little effort, both sleepers shot up out of bed, one racing ahead of the other towards the rooms only toilet. The slower of the two grumbled at his luck and cursed Monday for comming in so soon.
Monday giggled to itself like a michivious scool girl.