Updates are few and far between. I guess I just have less desire to throw my thoughts down here in a public forum lately, although I'm sure only a handful of people read my garbage anyways.
Things are good for the most part. I'm still having trouble trying to figure out what I want in life, but I guess that is the hard part. I am enjoying my job. I'm the assistant manager of a makeup boutique. It is pretty sweet, I've built my kit a lot and I make a decent wage. I don't get to do as many makeups as I'd like, but it is still pretty satisfying. Calgary is treating me well for the most part. I have made quite a few friends, in addition to some of the lifelong ones that I am fortunate enough to have here.
On that note, my best friend who convinced me to move out here is moving home to BC. I'm really sad to see her go, but she suffered some tough personal issues over the last months and she wants to be with her family. I understand, but I will miss her. She's my beer buddy. After work drinks won't be the same.
My Valentine's day was sweet this year. I was spoiled. Haha. It was a little over the top, but I'm not going to complain. I have a new laptop out of the deal... And a new Kitty. She's so adorable, and I love her. Her name is Ophelia. Haha. In the apartment there is now a dog, a kitten, a fish tank, and two leopard geckos. It's homey. We all know how much I enjoy being surrounded by a menagerie. I'll add some pics, and I'm not going to put them behind a cut. Sorry, fuckers.
I am in a new relationship with a new guy. It's going well so far, although I'm not sure I know how to be in a relationship really. It feels right, so I'm going with it. It's weird having someone around all of the time. I've always had a lot of space. I am taking things as they come, no point in being too analytical at this point, me thinks. I'm enjoying all of it thus far.
Anyways, pics I guess?
Me and Ophelia:
The Green Dudes:
The Fishies:
The guy being a fag like me:
So yeah. That's that.