I want to post a couple of amusing emails I got.
This is the most disturbing article I've ever read on the tactics and strategy of the Bush White House, and that's saying something. There's a lot of things in the current administration I find hard to stomach, but this is by far the most egregious "fuck you" to the American people and the way of life I grew up believing in.
http://www.boston.com/news/nation/washington/articles/2006/04/30/bush_challenges_hundreds_of_laws/Long story short: Bush has ignored and bypassed over 750 laws that were enacted by our democratically elected Congress. This is representative of the lack of accountability and the utter ARROGANCE of Bush and the neocons.I could write more, but instead I'll just encourage you all to read the article.
I can see this backfiring and resulting in a pissed off Congress passing amendments greatly diminishing the power of future presidents to make sure it doesn't happen again.
What amuses me most is the suddent outroar (that has quietly died down). Yes, Bush has been quietly defying the Constitution practically since the moment he took office. :-| See that? That's my surprised face. In another month or two we'll have another wave of uproar about Bush violating civil rights, destroying the environment, catering to the military-industrial complex, or something similar. Now how about we quit bitching and do something about it?