(no subject)

Jul 13, 2007 10:20

Well, Wednesday marked 1 year of Jeanie (pantherpg) putting up with me. Seriously, she and I have been together a year already. I again reiterate that she hasn't wised up yet.
It was a fun day though.
We went and saw Transformers. I was visually impressed with the movie, but I felt like I was watching a US Armed Forces and General Motors commercial. I will say that is was an introduction movie for the new generation. The movie was geared for an older audience, which was nice. I enjoyed all the action and the story for what it was. I was left wanting more. I know I cannot compare it with the movie from the 80's, that I feel was a better movie. Sam was a rarety in that he was an intelligent teenager in a movie. Also, there was a few things in the story that should have been taken out to better develop the Transformers as characters. I also feel that watching that movie 5 years from now it will be awkward because it was to anchored in "today." Again, for what it was I REALLY liked the movie.
Today Visual Source Safe is down. I have a ton of code that needs checked in and cannot do it. This means I am now behind schedule. I came in early to finish testing and check it in for the 8:30 build.
Tonigh, Night of Bacon with Chris (psywildfire) and group. I wonder for the number of people supposedly coming if it should be Night of Baccon II (I got harrassed in the past for using the play on words without explanation).
Last year at this time we (Trevor (blackpaladin), Kate (ladysephiroth), Steve (euriyggdrasil), Bayani (arashink), Chris (psywildfire), Prager (spacemangroove), Whitney (saberpilot), Jimmy (evil_dr_reef), Marcus, Jeanie (pantherpg), and I) were at IkasuCon in Cincinati Ohio. I remember all of the drama related to it. I will say it was the first time I was happy staying at a Hayatt hotel though. I also remember Chris being all upset because he thought we were trying to ruin his birthday. This year Chris' birthday will be better.
Duncan (gouf), Jeanie, and I will be going to see Harry Potter tonight before NoB. It has been a tradition since the first Harry Movie that we (Duncan and I) see the movie opening weekend. It puts us in the right place for NoB as well.
This weekend's fun
Duncan and the movies
Chris' NoB
Lunch with my Parents today at Pizza Hut

Not so Positives:
Danny's (Dave's (limos4u) brother and Trouble's (hoppnkitty) cousin) wedding this weekend.(The wedding is cool, some of the situations it creates isn't so pleasant)
Dealing with a backlog of Tekko crap.

I am trying to enter more public posts. Only because I am going to give my LJ to my family to see if they read and learn about me.

  1. Added the missing Trevor from the list of people at IkasuCon.
  2. Fixed spelling of IkasuCon

life, friends, tekkoshocon, relationships, movies

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