「VIDEO ▸ 006」

Dec 10, 2010 13:23

[ Sesshoumaru's face flickers onto the camera, and he really does not look happy. He glances to one side and then looks as though he's biting back a sigh, or some other distinct noise of discontent. He closes his eyes for a moment, gathering himself, and then the stoic, stern face returns. ]

This Sesshoumaru demands to know if any know how to remove a child from his person.

[ He places the camera to one side, and if you look closely you must just see two little puppy ears attached to Sesshoumaru's fluff - look closer and you'll see the rest of Inuyasha's body. ]

Hn. The day this curse ends will be a welcome one.

[ It's distinctly obvious how much having the boy clutching at him in this way was irritating him, but he really didn't want to hurt him. He was only a child, after all. ]

ic 。video

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