(no subject)

Aug 02, 2003 08:07

Well, it's 8:08 AM, and I'm bloody exhausted. Stayed up all night trying to get back onto a regular sleep schedule. Also, watched a cubic fuckton of good movies, including Basic, which I highly recommend to anyone who likes a good whodunit. My only complaint is that Samuel L. Jackson isn't in the movie all that much, but what screen time he gets certainly falls under the heading of 'quality time.' Travolta does what Travolta does best: play a loose-cannon psychopath who kicks ass and offends people. Jackson does what Jackson does best: play a loose-cannon psychopath who kicks ass and offends people. Starting to see a pattern here? No wonder Pulp Fiction kicked so much ass. Much better than Reservoir Dogs, to be sure. Though, I have to admit Harvey Keitel was kickass in both flicks, and who can argue with the skill of Tim Roth? Speaking of which, saw Rob Roy again the other day. Tim Roth is the spawn of Satan if ever there was one walking around the earth. Hey, check out my so-fucking-tired-I'm-falling-asleep-on-the-fucking-keyboard ranting!
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