So I finally got the last bit of closure with potential boy. He texted me today, very apologetically and somewhat timidly, to inform me that he's been sort of seeing someone for the last three weeks and that it's gone into a full-blown relationship. I can't say I'm entirely surprised, and I'm not at all hurt, which is cool. It's good to know what was going on, even if I still consider most of the behavior incredibly douche-y. *shrug*
I had a bit of a rough day today, as in everything I tried to do turned to shit. My mom called and I must have been snappy or something, because she was all, "What, are you PMS-ing?" To which my usual response is no, even if I am. Today I went with a rather firm (and probably also snappy), "YES." That made her laugh. Which was good. She's getting a bit forgetful with the whole hormonal stuff as evidenced by her losing her coupon box (again). We went by Kroger (regional chain grocery store - like Safeway) to pick it up. On the way, we passed by an Asian market she'd told me about a few weeks ago. I'd driven by, but the place looked sketchy, and I didn't go in. Well, we went in and it turns out that this guy she used to work with (military) and his wife (neither of whom are Asian) own the place, though they are trying to sell it. So mom let me buy a bunch of awesome Asian foodstuffs and now I get to figure out how to cook with them! I do so love buying food things and playing/researching until I figure out how to use them! I also picked up a couple little packages of that delicious ginger candy that they gave out a couple times at Reed. I haven't had any yet, but just seeing the packaging kinda brought back a little piece of reedie home. It's difficult to explain, but I do still cling to the things that remind me of Reed, the good things about the experience, and all of the people associated with it that I call mine. :-) In short, it was a very happy-making diversion. It turned out that the store did, indeed, have her coupon box in lost and found, complete with her shopping list, even. What they did not have, was the flavor of ice cream we wanted (because they were running a sale of $2.18 instead of the regular $5.29), so I said I'd go back once they started restocking to check. I did and the nice fellows restocking the freezer cases fetched me four containers. So, new and probably delicious Asian foodstuffs plus favorite ice cream makes my not-so-good day a whole lot better!
Tomorrow (today) I have to get stuff done for real. This essentially means applying to register for the licensing exam, studying for said exam, and keeping an eye on job postings in case some come up that don't require a year of experience. I think what happens is that the hospitals filled all their "new nurse" slots and now they are hoping to fill other openings with folks who actually have nursing experience. It certainly isn't ideal for me, but it is reality. I'm looking in a couple other places, not just where I want to work, but I think it might take a while. I kind of hope it does, though the whole stress of being unemployed is much less than ideal where all of that is concerned. Oh well. We shall see how things go.
Love and ginger-goodness,