Yawn.. ick.... ewwww

Aug 09, 2005 13:44

Somedays you feel like a nut, somedays you just feel nuts. I am not sleeping well and it's making me cranky. This have mellowed out to silent truce between Laurie and I, I don't think she is listen to me, just not telling me what she is up to. Whatever works, I got my ditigal camera yesterday and works well, finally something from ebay that works the way it's surpose to. So there will be before and after pics, no naked fat guy pics any time soon. My gift to the world, no one needs to see my hairy man boobies.

Here's a silly meme:

Your Star Wars Pickup Line

"I may look like an Ewok, but I'm all Wookie where it counts, baby."

What's Your Star Wars Pickup Line?
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