Had a pretty decent day. Work was easy and I think my lip is starting to heal. I bit it a few weeks ago while eating a salad and really hurt it. It swelled up to about twice the normal size and it was terrible. Went to my doctor and got some medicines that are working. I look less like a circus freak now thank goodness.
absynthe666 thinks it's funny because it looks like someone punched me in my mouth. (Cause I'm a bigmouth!) Therefore...no more salads for me. Heath food? Nonsense! Actually I've been trying to eat them more because this office has me like a little lump at a desk for half the day. To retaliate, I bought an elliptical machine this week and will assemble it when I have a little bit of free time. I want to use it 30 minutes a day every other day. The grad student and I went out for dinner tonight (had Italian), walked the streets of Little Italy smoking cigarettes, and then went back to her house for tea.
In other news, I've been re-watching my James Bond movies. I like the old Connery ones. The best in the series are the first four (Dr. No, From Russia With Love, Goldfinger, and Thunderball). They have the most memorable characters, plots, settings, soundtracks - everything. I'm kinda surprised that the new Bond movie is going to be based on the first Bond novel that Ian Fleming wrote. If I recall, Casino Royale didn't have a ton of action. (There was a very early television version of this book as well as a spoof of it featuring David Niven, Peter Sellers, and Orson Welles.) I read it about five years ago and with the advent of the new film, I might read it again.