May 22, 2006 15:16
I'm back in town and happy to be here.
So, on this road trip I hit 10 states in all. That's a fifth of the United States! Minnesota to Iowa onto Nebraska, Colorado, New Mexico, ending up in Arizona for a wedding. The heat was refreshing even if I did end up getting the shine of sweat on my face after each trip outdoors. The water tasted gross and slippery, yet I was eager to request some with every place I visited. I stopped drinking soda while in the desert and drank more water than I have in months yet I still felt parched. With every trip to the restroom I could tell that I was still dehydrated. More than 8 glasses of water a day and still dehydrated! Apparently two days in the heat isn't enough time to acclimate to the environment. (I'm being sarcastic because to expect that is just silliness.)
So yeah. Stayed in a hotel with most of the wedding party. I shared a room with Laura and Troy (a friend from high school that I should really make a point of staying in closer contact with) for two nights moving between two rooms in the hotel. The second room was poolside, just on the other side of a wall of flowers and greenery, and filled with mosquitoes. I always thought that Arizona had one upped us on the mosquito situation because the heat would surely be too much for them... apparently not.
*rode in a Dodge Charger 3.5 V6*
The most fun had was during the time that I was asleep as the others sat poolside drinking beer and laughing it up. Topics of conversation: the US never landed on the moon, two different sized feet, scent of anus at Grossology, living in an elephant's anus, cockroach on a pillar, kids whipping shitties in a nearby strip mall parking lot, quoting line after line of Pulp Fiction... and the rest I can't quite remember because I kept thinking about how Matt and Katherine laugh at the immature giggles others brake into at the mention of the name Bang Spider in Descent, and here people were laughing and talking about scent of anus. *snicker* I'll admit it right now, the thought of someone coming across spray bottles filled with gross smells at the St Paul Grossology exhibit, then spraying one only to find that they just leaned into a mist that smells like poop, then they roll the bottle to expose the labeled smell reading "ANUS" is funny to me on levels beyond a first grader's perspective.
I had a rough time while I was down there but after a quick shake reminding me that I'm supposed to be having fun (yeah, I need reminders to lighten up and enjoy the scenery) I started to have a pretty good time. So Saturday after a rough morning I finally started enjoying myself.
There is plenty more to tell including: plastic testicles in Nebraska, Truck stops with their barber shops and $7 showers (and the reason why Oklahoma rubbed me the wrong way), falling asleep at the wheel, wildlife encounters (and the lack there of), and then the rest of the trip home (leaving Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, and back home to Minnesota's rough roads).