For the past year and a half I have been twice the size that I once was. Yeah, yeah. I know. Stop getting caught up on all that. Well, here's the deal, I'm not content with where I am at and I never had the intention of staying this way for so long. My point is this... I haven't been taking any pictures of myself because I didn't want there to be any record that I'd once been this way. However, I've now changed my mind and to make up for lost time I'm taking a butt load of pictures of yours truly (me).
Me with animals, me with hair up, hair down, me with different facial expressions, gonna get some with me and my car, with makeup and without, rolling in the grass, sitting on a log (these last two maybe not so much).
In the end I am a gemini and the world all boils down to me. LOL. I'm glad at least a few people know how this can be true even though I enjoy making plenty of time to accommodate the needs of others (if they keep at me enough... Laura I'm calling you tonight after work.)
Coming soon will be a gallery of pictures for you to enjoy... ;] (Really, I'm not this full of myself. Promise. -- Can I get some backup here?)
I brought the rats over to Lem's last night (but not the adults). In all that made 16 rats, 2 cats, and 2 chinneys in the former house of Lem... now pet palace. On a related note: Jaye is a hater of the rat and I truly believe him. These babes are so cute that in order to not get some kind of kick out of them a person would have to have some kind of deep-seeded dislike for the animal. So Jaye, no worries, the rats won't stay for long.
I'm off to work 10 to 10 at Green today. I'm taking all of my breaks today too. Well, unless it's too busy.