Apr 28, 2014 22:59
I wrote 420 words tonight. It doesn't seem like much, but I've written part of the first and the second chapter of my Harry Bang fic and I'm very proud.
Today was a very relaxing day. I finished Charlie and the Chocolate factory (the book) today for my Literarture class. I will have to watch the movie tomorrow and then answer a question list about the two, or a comparison, or something.
I also read, knitted (I'm still working on my 11 by 11 squares blanket) my 5th square and am now moving on to another colour of which I'll also do 5. I told myself to do one square a day and so far I've been managing.
Then I read some Harry Potter (I restarted the book serie) and watched the last of the Lord of the Rings trilogy (which I also restarted).
Finally I caught up a bit with livejournal and hung with one of my housemates.
I almost forgot how nice it felt to do absolutely nothing!
The question that came up while writing today:
Where/what or on whom do you base your IC Draco while writing? How do you do this? What do you think of? What are your tips, tricks and moves?
real life