hpholiday And We Are But Actors ~ 5K
Why do I like this?
Because it's funny, even though it's not necessarily humorous. You have these two amazingly fitting characters, Draco and Harry, Draco who needs a date and Harry who's there to owe Draco something. Can you guess where this'll be going? Of course you can! Is that bad? Not at all! It's been such a long time since I've seen anything so nice and loving and fun and sweet come along. Perfect and funny and a nice read. Go give it a shot.
hpholiday The Worst of All Holidays ~ >1K
Why do I like this?
Because, mainly, it explores the deeper psychy of Tom Marvolo Riddle before he went all Voldemort on us. And it's sad. So so so sad. And I love it because of just that. His whole history and motives and character development always intriguied me and this did not fail to amaze me. It's just brilliant, and perfect, and sad.
hp_darkarts Close Your Eyes ~ 5K
Why do I like this?
Because it takes a very familiar and very emotional scene that made Harry grow so much (or the consequences of it, anyway) and turns it into so much more. More depth, better characters and a very, very nice ending. I loved this a lot!
hp_darkarts Through Slitted Pupils ~ ART
Why do I like this?
I'm not sure. Maybe it's the dynamic of the whole thing, or the details, or maybe it's the emotional content of the whole drawing, I just know I love this more than I've ever loved any other piece of art. This piece right here has kicked my all time #1 piece off its spot (it had for 5 years) and has replaced it. Please, please go check it out. You will not regret it.
♥ That's all!