July Thirty-first is almost here!

Jun 16, 2004 21:02

Whahooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! Harry Potter's birthday is almost here! Harry Potter's Birthday is almost here!!!! Harry Potter's B-Day is almost here!!!!!!! Whahooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, you may be wondering why i can't wait to celebrate the birthday of Harry Potter. Well, its actually my birthday as well. And I can't wait for the birthday present I'm going to get. You see, every year, I ask for one particular present, and my parents always get it. And i am going to recieve the coolest piece of magic on earth! (no, not a card from magic the gathering the trading card game, but a magic trick)

Imagine this...

Effect (for all you non magic enthusiasts, this means what the audience sees during the trick: A magician walks up to a spectator (person who is about to be extremely fooled) and rolls up his sleeves (if a t-shirt is being worn this won't be done). He/she then asks for a quarter from the spectator, and the spectator gives it to him for the trick. He/she then asks the spectator to hold out his or her hand, palm down. He/she then places the quarter on top of the hand. Then the magician waves his or her hands over the quarter, just waves, and it disappears off the spectator's hand! Last but not least the magician shows his or her hands to be completely empty. (for all those idiots out there: do not say to look in his or her sleeve because I already said earlier they are either rolled up or nonexistant).

PRETTY DAMN COOL ISN'T IT???????????????

Using the method of this trick one can also vanish dollar bills, change coins into other coins or miniature versions of themselves, mint a blank disk into a coin infront of the spectator's very eyes, and much much more!!!!!!!

I have no damn clue!!!! NO "F"ing clue!!!!!!! Normally I would suspect some kind of wire pully device, but there are no sleeves to pull it in. Like all great tricks, when I get it it will probably turn out to be deviously and cleverly simple! I simply can't wait.

Other items to get with it:
1. The DVD showing twenty different tricks to do with it (which is part of what I ask for)

2. The blank disk to be changed into a real coin (haven't asked for, already a lot of money as it is)

3. The miniature coin to change the big coin into

4. Various other items that would partially give away to specific tricks done with this ingenious method and the secrets to other various great tricks.

5. A couple of other items that partially slightly give away the method itself [that is if you have studied certain things for your science fair like me in sixth grade, or are a general quiz kid (calling Madison and Dylan, calling Madison and Dylan...)]

And that's about it foaks. Now, does that sound cool or what?( If you say "or what" you had better hope that I don't have your address...)

Anyway, as soon as i found this on the internet I went into research mode and have found the places with the lowest prices which will entail me to be able to buy as much as I can!!!!

For all cops who read the "threat" above this is a disclaimer towards it. There will be no follow up upon it, I repeat, no follow up. It was all just a joke, go get a life other than spying on kids' lj's.
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