OMG! Wheeeeeeee....

Apr 06, 2005 20:01

Well, I've been really busy lately, so I haven't had a chance to update. Everyhting after 5th hour today was kickass. Here's what went down:

After 5th hour, BJ managed to get me out of class. We left school and went to go pick up his little brother for the demo today. We stopped by his house to grab his gear, and thanks to cutting out of 6th hour, we made it to the dojang just in time. Jacque called me up, telling me she'd be able to make it to the demo. Cool. So we get to the demo site, only to find we have a small stage to work with and no fucking AC. It was hot as hell in there.So we set up, and warmed up. I was kinda nervous, as it's been a long time since I've done a demo in front of anyone but the people at the dojang. As it was our first demo, mistakes were made. Luckily, even though I forgot part of my form, I just repeated another part until I remembered the rest. With the exception of me and BJ, nobody was able to tell that I fucked up. There were other mistakes as well, but altogether, it was good for our first demo. It was also pretty fun. Jacque went back to the dojang with me, and we hung out until my dad came and picked me up. Fun day for the most part. I found parts of my form that I want to change, so I'm gonna change 'em and try to master the form before the next demo. I don't want to fuck up again.
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