One Door Opens and Indy was...OK

May 22, 2008 09:26

For the last several weeks I have felt like I was waiting for something to happen - having some opportunity or decision tossed my way that would lead somewhere...

Actually there have been a couple that might fit that point, but the one that sticks out was when the Asst. Chief at OFD called and said they were still looking for another full-time guy, and they were going down the list again.

This turned my mood on its ear in that said decision will probably come soon. The job in Avon has not yet offered me a full-time gig, and though technology/programming and emergency services are two things I am interested in, I might just take the job and go for it. O-town may be calling me back after all...

But who knows what the next few weeks will bring? All you can do is roll with it and pick a door.

On a much less pontificating note, we saw Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull last night, and I have to say it was a bit disappointing, though it certainly wasn't BAD. Short of ruining the plot, the fourth installment does have some classic Indy moments in the juxtaposition of humor alongside situations of certain death, some of which were pretty original. The action is good, broken up along the expectable assortment of death-defying chases and battles, as well as plenty of last-minute puzzle-solving.

The impression I got was more of a kid's film feel than the previous movies that felt more geared towards an older audience; At the same time, it's been so many years since The Last Crusade that perhaps other movies have filled the gaps and raised the bar a little; back in the days of Indy of the past, films from the big-budget likes of Speilberg and Lucas stood out more from the crowd with the ability to produce effects and star power. These days, effects are much easier to produce for smaller films, and newer grassroots actors like Gerard Butler show us what you can do with shoestrings and innate talent.

In the end, though, while Crystal Skull might not have the same vaunted feel as its bretheren, the action and quips of the cast still make for a good time that anybody should enjoy, and Indy fans may warm up to.
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