Am I the only one who is sick and tired over this whole Cindy Sheehan demonstration? Yes, I do feel sorry for her loss, and all other parents that have lost loved ones to war. And yes, I would love for our men and women to come back as soon as they can. But they still have work to do, and should not come home until it is done. She has already
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Besides, I thought counciling was for pussy left wing liberals. Shouldn't she just drink a shit ton of beer or maybe just pretend like none of this ever happened like a good conservative. A good head in the sand will make any problem go away, no doubt.
Dude, live and let live. Both sides do it, so pointing the finger at one is stupid if you won't also point the finger at yourself at the same time. You look like an asshole and sound like a fool when you post this shit. Seriously, what the fuck difference does it make to you whether or not she is there or not? What possible effect does her protest have on your life other than the usless stree you bring on yourself because of it?
Crap like this only reinforces my personal disdain for politics and the people that get overly zealous about following the game. The only part about politics that I accept is that it is about power and ego, no matter what side of the fence you swing on. Everybody gets used.
Councling is for everyone, no matter what political persuation.
It just pisses me off when anyone gets used for political purposes, not matter what side they are on. In this case, it is the far far left and the media, and they keep thowing it in everyones face.
Dude, you need a beer.
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