Brought to you by Nissan Versa.
Heroes does have a rather attractive cast, come to think of it. And yes, I have been thinking of it.
So I now present...the top five Heroes people...who are reasonable their order wanting to...have sex with them.
1. Milo Ventimiglia (Peter Petrelli)
2. Matt Lanter (Brody Mitchum)
3. Thomas Dekker (Zach)
4. Santiago Cabrera (Isaac Mendez)
5. Adrian Pasdar (Nathan Petrelli)
Sark. He's hot.
Also Randall Bentley (Lyle). I know, I know, he's like, sixteen, but entirely tapable.
Shalim Ortiz (Alejandro), he holds angles really well, but otherwise he's not as hot as he is on TV. But still hot enough to sex.
Leonard Roberts (D.L.), too, even if he is black!
Actually, you know what? I'd go just about every male character between the ages of sixteen and forty. Except for that Matt Parkman guy. He's not so attractive. That co-worker guy who was sleeping with his wife was kinda hot, though.
So, yeah. A lot of them.
It's been really cold and windy today. And so I must stay home and do nothing.
...this song is sad. =(