AH! Exams are over! May the angels rejoice in eternal bliss! Today we had some good times in Short Stories. However, there was one story. I would like to say this story was about a happy little elf. Instead it was about football, angst, and kissing. While the last one isn't soooo bad, coupled with the other two it's an atrocity.
I'll be in Georgia starting Sunday until the Thursday or Wednesday after. I'm not really looking foward to going, but c'est la vie. We'll see my fuzzy cuzzy and get some more Christmas presents, neither of which are bad things in and of themselves. I think last year when I went I was reading some Wheel of Time book. Oh the nostalgia. And Emma, don't let your brother hog Eye of The World. You should read it after and join the crowd ;)
Speaking of join the crowd, my brother asked me to post this on my online journal (which he wouldn't even know about if he hadn't saw me editing it one time. Fortunately, he's not internet savvy enough to find it and I don't leave my computer unguarded often :)). He plays this game called "Neopets" and for some reason he wants referrals.
This is the link. I told him I would at least post it, since it's free to sign up and they don't do any spam or anything. If you want to help him out click on the link and then click the sign-up button on that page. Just fill out the form and navigate away from the bright colors forevermore, is what I say.
/brother obligation
Actually, what I say is don't do it at all. He doesn't deserve any help, he's mean to me ;)