Jul 08, 2003 17:52

What if a bicycle chain decided it wanted to be free from the sprockets of the wheels?What if a locomotive decided it wanted to be free from those constricting railroad tracks?One more,what if you were driving down the road with your friends or your family say at sixty miles an hour and the lug nuts holding a wheel to your car suddenly decided they didn't want to have to hold that wheel on anymore,and all of them at once decided to just rotate themseles off of their threads and jump ship? Pretty ugly thought huh? If you saw a bicycle with the chain off the sprocket would you say look how free that chain is to do whatever it wants it is not being controlled by that sprocket anymore how wonderful? How about seeing a locomotive after it has left it railroad tracks at fifty miles per hour loaded with cargo and passengers? What if you saw the aftermath of your friends or family in that car whose lug nuts decided to get free from the wheel? Cool?NOT!
Although these are material objects or machines let me try to express the meaning to these mad ravings of mine.No I don't believe anyone would see these things as free I believe they would be viewed as BROKEN.Why are they broken because they have ceased to function according to their design.Our lives are the same way,we are not an accident we are created and designed each and everyone of us.And that design is intimate,close fellowship,friendship and communication with God as well as obebience.We do not truly know what freedom is until we surrender to the design and to the designer.The sacrifice of Jesus for our sins makes before God perfect as the bible says Christ is our righteousness and our holiness.
EPHESIANS 2:14-15 'For he himself is our peace,who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier,the dividing wall of hostility,by abolishing in his flesh the law with its commandments and regulations.His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of the two,thus making peace.'
This refers to the bringing together of Jews and gentiles as one man but it is an accurate description of the wall of hostility that existed between us and God until Jesus bore our sins in his body.Accepting Gods forgiveness,his free gift of eternal life is the only way to 100% freedom and to be in the right relationship with God we were designed for.In his design he welcomes us as his children and offers to call us friends.If antone believes in this truth they are 100% free.But there is freedom and more freedom and more freedom in ever increasing quantities and qualities as we actually align our lives with Gods design we only become more and more free.
John 8:32"If you hold on to my teaching,you are really my disciples.Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free."
I have heard it said,"it is not the truth that sets you free but the truth you know." The only way Jesus said to know the truth is to hold to his teachings. Holding to the teachings of Jesus is the way to live by design and according to purpose. When lived that way life operates with locomotive force within the rails of design,and the wheels keep on turning with purpose and with the drive chain in place we can keep on pedaling forward instead of just spinning our wheels.
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