Dec 15, 2011 23:57
- Чт, 10:36: Step two for Weekend: Accomplished.
- Чт, 10:37: Step three for weekend, also accomplished. Many steps to complete tonight.
- Чт, 11:55: RT @ GordonConwell: New full-tuition scholarship: Thanks, @ HamWenPatch, for the mention!
- Чт, 13:08: I just wished for: 'Industrial Light & Magic: The Art of Innovation' by Pamela Glintenkamp via @ amazon
- Чт, 14:11: Woot! My ST:TOR is on the way! Yay!
- Чт, 19:54: Happiness is... a long-lost friend appearing out of the blue. Thanks, Kane. *cheer* #starpirates