T-24 Days: Status, Moving, Get Stuff!

Mar 10, 2009 11:30

I realise that not only isn't everyone on FaceBook or Twitter; that some actively avoid it. I get it. I don't go near MySpace for example.

That being said; I am utilising FaceBook and Twitter extensively this month for the process of moving.

Item 1: Truck loading day

Last evening I posted my call for Truck loading help.

I will be loading the truck the weekend of the 27th-29th. And I can use ALL hands on deck. I will be feeding and libating all that come by. Granted; if I know in advance... it helps me with getting the food in advance.

If you are on Facebook, head on over to the event page at http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=136178490243 and sign up. Even if you can only come for a short while; any time is beyond appreciated. If you're not sure.. tick the "maybe" on the RSVP.

If you don't like Facebook; drop a comment here.

Item 2: Take it away

THIS WEEEKEND: March 14th and 15th... We are having a massive packing and garage-ish sale, open house. Craft supplies, Books, Tables, TVs, Sofa, Bikes, Knick-Knacks, Chotchkies... And the cost to you is dragging it off. Donations accepted.

Come by, help box, get fed, or just rummage. We have a Lava Lamp ready for a new home!

Come one come all :)

truck loading, stuff, packing, garage sale, moving, help

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