Daily Twittering

Jan 15, 2009 03:44

  • 07:44 I got more sleep and slept pretty soundly. For some reason, however, I still feel like I need about 3 more days of this to catch up. *yawn* #
  • 15:23 New post at tosocnet.com News: Please change your "News Feeds" for Tosocnet shortna.me/98c63 #
  • 21:47 @ greggrunberg YKYAT When... Fry's is far more exciting than Target and WalMart put together. You know more than the sales associates anyways #
  • 21:50 @ greggrunberg You know you're a techie when... people "friend" you online for the free tech support and discounted software. #
  • 21:51 @ greggrunberg You know you're a techie when... You refer to visiting Microsoft, Apple or Google as 'making a trek to Mecca' #
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