You know... I don't really want to call it jetlag...

Jul 02, 2008 08:32

I typically get about 6 hrs of sleep per night. And that seems to be okay.

Since getting home its been a bit more. Last night it was about 8 1/2 hrs

On the one side its good. I sleep deeper. I dream more. I have more rest cycle.
One the one side... it's not so good. I awake very groggy. Not all my dreams were great fun.

Currently I'm on the bus wanting a pillow.

There will be a full weekend report coming. With everything that happened in L.A. as well as everything going on at home... there was a lot to take in.

But big props and thanks to ardras156 maeghanne (and everyone at Hazard house whos LJ's I don't have) and especially sesa777 for amazing OTO-style hospitality. Thank you for making my weekend so special and welcomed.

oto, thanks, travel, hospitality

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