Poor, poor boy

Jun 07, 2008 03:08

As you can see by the time.... it's... late.

Well, I guess it's only about 1:15 in the afternoon if you're in Greece ;)

Sadly here, we are experiencing a parental milestone.

The child has awoken us by sharing his unhappy stomach in bed with us.

Of course this begins with chaos RIPPING you from the warm embrace of unconsciousness.

You then move into controlled, battle mode. Making sure everything is cleaned, washed, changed while ABOVE ALL
keeping the scared toddler consoled.

That was at 2am.. it is 3:15 am. The scared, now stomach-empty boy is cherubically back to dream world.

I however, am still kicked on adrenaline and trying to make my eyes stop burning from the slowly clearing din of tainted air.

Great.. it takes vomit at 3am to help me turn a phrase.

I'll be sleeping in.. maybe

toddlerhaving, night, sick

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