A regular update. My life is utterly consumed with working on the upcoming release of
Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac.
The team was asked recently to reflect on the "Think Different" campaign that ran 10 years ago at the "Rebirth" of Apple. At that time I was working in Education. I was one of three Mac folk on a team of 11. I was the lone Mac developer. I was continually derided by my team members for clinging to a 'dying' OS.
The Think Different commercial was very special to me. So, I was pleased when I got the chance to comment on it.
Over at
Mac Mojo (the Office for Mac Team Blog) is
the posting made from selected comments from across the team about the campaign and the different Geniuses chosen for the poster campaign. See if you can tell if one of my comments made the cut and if so, bonus points if you can figure out which one came from me.
The comments on the MacMojo blog posting are comprised mostly of the FUD developers learn to ignore from people who thing that if we stop coding for 30 seconds we're intentionally depriving them of features and fixes. A few nice comments.
But in the meantime... back to coding. :)