MEMETime: Normally I wouldn't bother

May 05, 2007 08:45

Blogthings is a site with some of the most anticlimactic, well named memes on the net.

At blogthings you can find things like, "Which Freudian Psychologic Disorder are you?"
The test with then consist of two questions:
1) Do you like your parents?
2) No, really. Do you like your parents?

So after about 5-8 convoluted questions you are given a succinct answer on a an typically ungaugable topic. the results of which you post with a viral marketing verve to continue the existence of the hapless and useless (as 50% of the stores in a mall) web site.

Gosh lordandrei, you say to yourself. That's a rather strong, petty, and pompously verbose description of a web site that you yourself use.

So, what motivated me to write this while relaxing and meditating this morning?

Today's test was brought to me by fellow Aries underpantz. The test:
What sign should I never date.

I am posting because after careful consideration of the 7 complex questions. After knowing the things I've gone thru and the happiness I've found.

Blogthings has decided:

Never Date a Cancer

Clingy, emotional, and very private - it's hard to escape a Cancer's clutches.
And while Cancer will want to know everything about you, they're anything but open in return.

Instead try dating: Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, or Aquarius
What Sign Shouldn't You Date?

Personally, I can say from experience that it's Aquarius and Aries(Sun Saturn) I should never date.

dating, meme, astrology

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