B*&ch Moan Whine. Let's do this Right, already...

Sep 26, 2005 08:42

Edit Since the LJ poll mechanism doesn't seem to leave a lot of room, comments on this thread are initially screened if you want to add more than the poll area can support.

So, once again, someone has come up with a top XX list of the best YY of all time. This time the variables read:
someone : Boston.com
XX = 50
YY=Sci Fi Shows.

I really don't like top XX lists in magazines. They always seem arbitrary and forced. Best songs of the 80s are always going to have Madonna and Springsteen (URG), with far less Duran Duran that they should have and despite its magnitude, Thriller should NOT be consistently number 1.

This time I sit staring agog as I'm told that Stargate:Atlantis is higher on the list than Buffy. No really, if you feel the need to look, here's the list.

So, today, I'm going to put together what I feel is a better list. I'm even going to tell you how I'm going to do it.

Over the next week or two I'm going to put up polls. Each poll will be designed to generate the list. We'll start general to get the shows (using only minor details in the rankings) and then ask lots of questions about the shows to generate the rankings.

Please, refer as many people as you can , because the more the people who contribute, the more realistic the final list is. Especially if you find people who disagree with your tastes.

Behind the cut is the first question in our little journey. Have at it...This poll we're avoiding ranking as best we can. It doesn't matter if you liked them or hated them. Just fill me up with as many shows as you can think up. Variations count as different shows: ST:TNG vs ST:VOY & Bab5 vs. Crusade. Cast changes do not: Stargate SG1 is still Stargate SG1 even without Jack O'Neill. Fantasy TV can count (for anyone who remembers Mr. Merlin). I would prefer to limit this to series or miniseries. Single Sci-Fi movies for TV can be skipped. (As I think the author of Wizard of Earthsea would prefer)

Finally, this is just to get a comprehensive list. Feel free to steal answers from anywhere. Google, the scary top 50 list linked above. Don't be afraid to put a show down. (Oh, everyone will put Star Trek, or I reallly don't think Manimal should be there), I want every show you can come up with. And of course, you can always add to your answers on an LJ poll. If I get duplicates, great. Because that will eventually help.

Fill in as much as you can. Leaving some blank towards the end is expected. However, if you need more space, comment.

Poll List as many science fiction shows as you can

polls, sci-fi, interactive

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