I don't like to brag. All through high school, I discovered that when ever I bragged about something I'd either lose that something or something bad would happen.
That being said, here's some good things that have happened:
- I snagged opening night tickets (orchestra, even) for Avenue Q in Las Vegas.
- I won my unemployment appeal and have now been getting back unemployment
- My poker game online keeps improving.
Concerning that last one... I've been playing "Sit and Go" tournaments.
Basically 10 people sit down at a table, everyone throws in their X (+ 10%X), they play until only one person has all the chips. For 10 players the standard pay-outs are:
- 50% 10*x
- 30% 10*x
- 20% 10*x
I'd been playing $5. What this would mean is that there'd be $50 in the prize pool and the last three places would win: $10, $15, and $25.
A couple of days ago, I tried a $30 game. The prizes were (as one would imagine):
$60, $90, and $150
Needless to say, when I won the last hand, I was blown away.
This link leads to my happy proof of victory Do I up it more?